I love to find Japanese puzzles because it’s hard to get one here in Europe. Unfortunately there is no brand named. It has 1,000 cardboard pieces in the standard size …

Luminous Puzzle – A Glowing Treasure from Japan

Mondopuzzle – HD Map Collection
The Italian puzzle manufacturer MONDOPUZZLE (https://mondopuzzle.it) offers a fine collection of art and map puzzles. Currently they have six world map puzzles in their stock – each with 1,000 pieces …

Minipuzzles Ancient World
Some new babies from Amazon: Minipuzzles from a Chinese company called LEOMUZI with 1,000 pieces and a dimension of 26 x 38cm (10,2 x 15″). Usually I don’t buy or …

KÄRNAN Map Puzzle
This is my first jigsaw puzzle from SWEDEN! It’s fom the manufacturer Egmont Kärnan (http://www.egmontkarnan.se/). They produce all kinds of toys and games. The jigsaw puzzle shows an antique world …